Kodak Portra 800 - 35mm - 36 exp

Kodak Portra 800 - 35mm - 36 exp

  • Kodak Portra 800 - 35mm
  • Daylight-Balanced Color Negative Film
  • ISO 800/30° in C-41 Process
  • Fine Grain, High Sharpness & Edge Detail
  • Vivid Color Saturation, Low Contrast
  • Accurate Color and Neutral Skin Tones
  • Versatile and Wide Exposure Latitude
  • Suitable for Low-Light Conditions
  • T-GRAIN Emulsion, Ideal for Scanning
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Kodak Portra 800 35mm

KODAK PROFESSIONAL PORTRA 800 Film delivers well balanced colour saturation, very fine grain for the speed, and best-in-class underexposure latitude.

We generally shoot ours between 200-800 and develop as normal for best results. Given a bit of over exposure Portra 800 is stunning. It maintains great skin tones but also has good saturation.

Kodak Portra 800 35mm

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Kodak Portra 400 - 35mm Film - 36 exp roll

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Ilford HP5 Plus - 35mm - 36 exp (loose)
